How to Retarget WooCommerce Abandoned Checkout Customers

Sendlane's integration with WooCommerce allows you to use automations to send targeted messages directly to contacts who have abandoned their checkout!

Before Getting Started

Complete these steps before creating an abandoned checkout Automation for your WooCommerce store:

In This Guide

Installing the WooCommerce Plugin for Sendlane Abandoned Checkout Automations

  1. Download the WooCommerce plugin for Sendlane and install the plugin's .ZIP file on your WordPress site (saving the plugin as any other file type will prevent you from uploading the plugin to your Wordpress site)
  2. Verify that you have Version 2.0 installed on your WordPress plugins page
  3. Click on the WooCommerce page in your left-hand sidebar → SettingsIntegration tab
  4. Enter your Sendlane subdomain and click Save Changes

Creating an Abandoned Checkout Automation

  1. Log into Sendlane, then click the Automations icon on the left hand side of your dashboard
  2. On the Automations page, click New Automation then Start From Scratch
  3. Enter a name for your new Automation (remember, this name is only visible internally) and click OK to get started
  4. Click the Add Trigger box, select the Woocommerce tab, and choose Customer Abandoned Checkout
  5. Continue to build out your automation to include any desired emails and wait times
  6. Add a button and an abandoned checkout block to your email which will link customers back to the abandoned cart
  7. Last but not least, don't forget to Activate the automation once you're done building out your funnel

Now, when contacts are added to the abandoned checkout list they will automatically start this automation!

To place a direct link to a Contact's abandoned checkout in hyperlinked text and images or a button, paste the following snippet in the URL field:

{% set data = trigger.getCheckout() %} {{ data.checkout_data.cart_link }}

If Contacts click this link on a device other than the one they built their checkout on, they will be taken to your store's generic cart page.


Checkout was abandoned but the automation didn't trigger

If you have noticed that a checkout has been abandoned but the automation was not triggered, it is likely that the customer has not clicked through to provide their contact information or did not agree to receive promotional emails. Being a permission-based platform, the contact must have opted-in/agreed to receive promotional emails during the checkout process.

The abandoned cart block isn't available!

The abandoned cart block may not appear in your elements sidebar for two common reasons:

  1. Your eCommerce integration is not set up correctly. Review your eCommerce store's integration with Sendlane for possible connection issues.
  2. You already added an abandoned cart block to your email. Only one abandoned cart block is allowed per email.

Additional Sendlane Resources

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