How to display products in an email


The product block of the Campaign & Automation email builder allows you to select and display specific products in any email! 

Stores hosted on Shopify, BigCommerce, Miva, Woocommerce, or the Sendlane custom integration will see an element named Product in the email builder that allows you to select specific products from your store, manually or dynamically:

If you've got a new collection coming out or want to highlight specific products from your store, read on to learn how to insert products in any Campaign or Automation email!

⚠️ Inactive products will not appear as options in the product block

Products must have an active status to be inserted into emails. Use your eCommerce provider's documentation to learn how to mark products active or inactive:


 Add a Product Block to an Email

  1. Open any Campaign or Automation email
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the lefthand menu
  3. Drag the Product block from the lefthand menu to the email body wherever you'd like products to appear


 Configure Your Product Layout

The product block defaults to displaying the product's image to the left of the product's description and CTA button.
Use the options in the Product Layout section to move the image to the right of the product information, or choose vertical to show up to four products in a row.
Use the vertical and horizontal spacer settings to adjust how much space to leave between products.


 Select Products to Display

Select each product manually or use the dynamic option to pull products based on your selected product feed automatically.

Manual Product Selection

  1. Click the Products tab
  2. Select your store from the Store dropdown
  3. Click the checkbox next to each product you'd like to display

Use the search bar to find specific products quickly!

Dynamic Product Selection

Use product feeds to populate product information based on the criteria you choose automatically!

  • Best Selling - Displays your most purchased products within the last three months
  • Lowest Price - Displays your lowest-priced products
  • Highest Price - Displays your highest-priced products
  • Recently Created - Displays the most recently created products

⚠️ Dynamic product selection will not populate example products in test emails

Dynamic product selection pulls products to display in emails at the time of send only

🙋 Can I exclude products from being pulled in by dynamic product selection?

You sure can! The TL;DR is you'll need to add a tag that reads sl-exclude to any product you want to exclude. Check out How to Exclude Products From Product Blocks for all the details!

Product Options

Add or delete products, rearrange product information, resize images, and adjust currency/CTA button text.


 Style Your Product Block

Each component of the product block can be styled to match your store's branding!

Product Name Product Price CTA Button
Font Color
Font Family
Font Weight
Font Size
Letter Spacing
Background Color
Text Alignment
Corner Radius
Width & Spacing

Add a Tag to your product block to add a tag to the Contact Profile of anyone who clicks on a CTA button in your product block. Scroll past the visual style settings and select a Tag from the Tag dropdown.

Note that this tag will be applied to the profiles of Contacts who click any link in the product block.


I don't see the new product block!

The new product block is only available in the new email builder for accounts with Shopify, BigCommerce, Miva, Woocommerce, or custom store integrations.

If you cannot see the product block or it is not working as expected, check that you are not trying to edit an old email and that your eCommerce integration is connected correctly.

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