How to Improve Targeting with Advanced Segmentation


Segments are dynamic groupings of Contacts that can be used to target content based on Contacts' profile information, preferences, and behavior, which can be used as inclusion or exclusion logic when building audiences for Campaigns! Segments process every time a Campaign is sent to ensure you're using the most up to date information available to target your marketing content.

Read on to learn about advanced techniques for Segmenting your audience!

In This Guide

Data Used to Create Segment Description
Engagement Activity Contacts' open or click behavior
Purchase Activity Data from integrations such as your eCommerce store
Custom Field Data Static data about Contacts (gender or birthday) generally collected from Pop-ups or forms
Tag Data Dynamic data about Contacts (purchase habits and product preferences) appended to Contact Profile fields via Automations or tagged links

🚦 Before Getting Started

  1. Add Contacts to your Sendlane account
  2.  To be able to create Segments using activity/behavior data, set up Beacon
  3.  To be able to create Segments using custom data, set up Custom Fields

⚠️ New to Segments? Start here first!

If you've never built a Segment before, check out our guide to Segments and Segment Options and Operators before moving on!

Engagement Activity

Engaged Contacts and unengaged Contacts need different types of outreach, and Segments are a great way to keep up with your audience's engagement patterns.

See the Engagement & Activity section of Segment Options and Operators for detailed descriptions of each available option.

Engaged Contacts

A Segment of recently engaged Contacts is vital to your sending cadence and is your first line of defense if you start to experience deliverability hiccups. Engaged Contacts are more likely to open and click your emails which shows inbox providers that your audience is healthy and engaged.

This Segment will pull Contacts who clicked a link in an email or SMS Campaign, OR opened an email Campaign, OR subscribed to your audience in the past X days. Most merchants will do well with the following Segments at 30, 60, and 90 day intervals. If your business runs more seasonally, adjust the timeframe as needed.

  1. Clicked > Recent > X > Days, OR
  2. Opened > Recent > X > Days, OR
  3. Subscription Date > in the last > X > Days

To target your most engaged Contacts,

Unengaged Contacts

A Segment of unengaged Contacts can be used as an exclusion for Campaigns during a deliverability hiccup, or part of a careful re-engagement strategy. Unengaged Contacts are less likely to open or click your emails which can be detrimental to your sending reputation.

This Segment will pull Contacts who have not opened an email or clicked a link in an email or SMS in the past X days and have not subscribed to your audience in the past X days. Adjust the timeframe as needed for your business.

  1. Did Not Open > Recent > X > Days, OR
  2. Did Not Click > Recent > X > Days, AND
  3. Subscription Date > not in the last > X > Days

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Purchase Activity

Contacts' purchase data is segmented by your eCommerce integration. Contacts who have made purchases (purchasers) may benefit from content inviting them to try new products or giving them information on how to use your products, while Contacts who have never purchased (non-purchasers) may benefit from content that includes special promotions or other incentives to make a purchase.

Purchasers - All Time

This Segment pulls all Contacts who have ever completed an order in your eCommerce store.

  1. Store > order > Fulfilled (or the order status your store uses to indicate a completed order) > Exists

Purchasers - In the Last

This Segment pulls Contacts who have made a purchase in the last X days.

  1. Store > order > Fulfilled (or the order status your store uses to indicate a completed order) > in the last > X days

Non-Purchasers - All Time

This Segment pulls all Contacts who have never completed an order in your eCommerce store.

  1. Store > order > Fulfilled (or the order status your store uses to indicate a completed order) > Does Not Exist

Non-Purchasers - In the Last

This Segment pulls Contacts who have not made a purchase in the last X days.

  1. Store > order > Any > Order Date > in the last > X days > inverse of this condition

Custom Field Data

To create a Segment using data collected from custom fields:

  1. Create a new Segment
  2. Select Custom Fields from the Options dropdown
  3. Select an operator
  4. Select a Custom Field

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Tag Data

To create a Segment using data stored in tags:

  1. Create a new Segment
  2. Select Contact Tag from the Options dropdown
  3. Select Has Tag or Does Not Have Tag
  4. Select a Tag from the values dropdown

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Additional Resources

For a more in-depth explanation and overview about segmentation within Sendlane, please see our Segments help doc.

If you hit any roadblocks, you can also get in touch with our team of email marketing automation experts right here!

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