Segment Options and Operators

A note about Apple's Mail Privacy Protection's impact on email open data

If any of your Segments use the Opened operator, consider adding additional operators to catch any Contacts using Apple Mail with iOS 15 or later who may have Mail Privacy Protection turned on.

In This Guide

Use the table below to jump to categories of Segment options

Category Description
Whether a Contact is or is not on a specified List
Contact Properties Contacts' standard properties like email address, name, and subscription information
Custom Fields Contacts' custom field data
Engagement & Activity Contacts' email engagement and website activity
Forms See Contacts who did or did not sign up using specified forms
Contact Tag Contacts' applied or not applied Tags
In Automation Whether a Contact is or is not currently in a specified Automation
Reviews Contacts' review activity
Shopify Contacts' attributes and activity in a Shopify store
BigCommerce Contacts' attributes and activity in a BigCommerce store

⚠️ Use caution when selecting location based Segment options

Segmenting by location depends heavily on your business operations. Make sure to read the descriptions of each location option carefully. If you ship products, your best bet is to use a line from your customers' shipping locations using your eCommerce integration's Segmentation options instead of the address data in the Contact Properties section.

List Status

Options Description
Is on List  If contact is on specific list           
Not on List If contact is not on specific list

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Contact Properties

Options Operators Description
Email Address Is, Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With Contact email address
First Name Is, Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With Contact first name
Last Name Is, Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With Contact last name
Phone Is, Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With, Exists, Does Not Exist Phone number digits
Geolocation Is, Not Contact location based on last email or SMS click
Zip/Postal Is, Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With, In, Not In Zip code stored in the Contact's profile (to search multiple Zip/Postal codes select In or Not In and separate multiple zip codes with commas)
Device Is, Not Contact device used 
Lifetime Value Is equal to, Is less than, Is greater than Lifetime value of a Contact across all stores in an account. Values must be entered with a decimal place and cents ( 100 will cause an error, 100.00 will be accepted)
Subscription Date Is, Is After, Is Before, In the Last, Not In the Last, Before the Last Contact Opt-in date
Signup Source Was, Was Not Contact Opt-in type
SMS Consent Has, Does Not Have Contact SMS consent record

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Custom Fields

Options Operators and description
Custom Field
  • Is - The text or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field exactly matches the text entered in the segment builder
  • Not - The text or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field is null or anything other than the text entered in the segment builder
  • Contains - The text or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field contains all of the text entered in the segment builder
  • Does Not Contain - The text or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field is null or does not contain all of the text entered in the segment builder
  • Starts With - The text or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field begins with all of the text entered in the segment builder
  • Ends With - The text or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field ends with all of the text entered in the segment builder
  • Greater Than - The number or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field is greater than the number or date entered in the segment builder
  • Less Than - The number or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field is less than the number or date entered in the segment builder
  • In - The number or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field is present in the comma separated values entered in the segment builder
  • Not In - The number or date entered in the contact's profile for the selected custom field is null or not present in the comma separated values entered in the segment builder

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Engagement & Activity

Options Description
Opened Contact opened Campaign or Automation email
Clicked Contact clicked link within Campaign or Automation email or SMS
Did Not Open Contact did not open Campaign or Automation
Did Not Click Contact did not click link within Campaign or Automation email or SMS message
Triggered Event Contact triggered custom event
Did Not Trigger Event Contact did not trigger custom event
Visited Site Contact visited specified site

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Options Operators
Signup By Form Any - Segment will pull all Contacts who signed up using any form in the account
Recent - Segment will pull all Contacts who signed up using any form in the account during the specified period of time
Forms - Segment will pull all Contacts who signed up using the selected form(s)
Not Signup By Form Any - Segment will pull all Contacts who DID NOT sign up using any form in the account
Recent - Segment will pull all Contacts who DID NOT sign up using any form in the account during the specified period of time
Forms - Segment will pull all Contacts who DID NOT sign up using the selected form(s)

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Contact Tag

Options Operators Description
Contact Tag Has Tag Contact has specified custom tag
Contact Tag Does Not Have Tag Contact does not have specified custom tag

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In Automation

Options Description
Is In Automation Contact is currently in one or more specified Automations
Not In Automation Contact is currently not in one or more specified Automations

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To see Reviews Segment options:

  1. Select your eCommerce provider from the Options dropdown
  2. Select your store
  3. Select Reviews

Options Description
Submitted Review Contact submitted a Review
Submitted Review with Photo Contact submitted a Review and included a photo (subset of Submitted Review)
Has Any Contact meets the criteria for the Submitted selection
Does not have any Contact does not meet the criteria for the Submitted selection
Number of Reviews Specify the number of reviews left by the Contact
Rating Specify the star rating given in the review
Submitted date Specify a review submission date or date range
Product(s) Specify product(s) reviewed

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Customer Data

⚠️ Contacts must have made a purchase to be counted in Shopify Customer Segments

Filter Notes
Exists Customer exists in your Shopify store's database
Total Spend Customer's total amount spent in your Shopify store
Number of Orders The number of orders the customer has placed in your Shopify store
Country Country entered in your Shopify store
State/Province State/province entered in your Shopify store
City City entered in your Shopify store
Verified Email Whether the customer's email has been verified or not for your Shopify store
Accepts Marketing Whether the customer has given consent to receive marketing emails or not from your Shopify store (see Email Consent for more information)
Customer Since Use date parameters to select a window in which the Contact became a customer by placing an order or creating an account with your Shopify store 
Tag Use parameters to select Shopify tags (for Tags applied to Contact profiles in Sendlane, see the Contact Tag section)

Order Data

⚠️ When using relative date filters (in the last X days/months/years), order data is based on the Contact's most recent purchase only

⚠️ When using Product related filters to check for one of multiple possible items in an order, use the in/not in operators

The is operator will pull orders containing each product specified and no other products. When you are looking to see orders that contains or does not contain at least one of multiple specified products, use the in/not in operators.

Order data can be filtered by one of the following order statuses (review your Shopify store's :

  • Any
  • Fulfilled
  • Partially Fulfilled
  • Unfulfilled
  • Returned/Restocked
Filter Notes
Exists Order exists in your Shopify store's database
Does Not Exist Order does not exist in your Shopify store's database
Product Product associated with or not associated with order
Product Collection Product Collection associated with or not associated with order
Product Tag Product Tag associated with or not associated with order
Product Type Product Type associated with or not associated with order
Product Price Product price equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Product Variant Product Variant associated with or not associated with checkout
Total Price Total price of the order equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Order Date Date order was placed
Canceled Reason Reason order was canceled
Discount Code Order used or did not use specified discount code
Landing Site Landing site is or is not the specified URL
Note Note associated with order does or does not contain
Processed Date Date order was processed
Referring Site Referring site is or is not the specified URL
Source Name Order source is or is not Web, POS, iPhone, Android, or API
Order Tag Specified tag is or is not associated with order

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Checkout Data

⚠️ When using Product related filters to check for one of multiple possible items in an order, use the in/not in operators

The is operator will pull orders containing each product specified and no other products. When you are looking to see orders that contains or does not contain at least one of multiple specified products, use the in/not in operators.

Filter Notes
Exists Checkout exists in your Shopify store's database
Does Not Exist Checkout does not exist in your Shopify store's database
Complete Checkout is or is not complete
Discount Code Checkout used or did not use the specified discount code
Billing Address Country Country associated with the checkout billing address
Billing Address State/Province State/Province associated with the checkout billing address
Billing Address City City associated with the checkout billing address
Billing Address Zip Full or partial zip associated with the checkout billing address
Date Created Date checkout was created
Email Email associated with or not associated with checkout
Product Product associated with or not associated with checkout
Product Collection Product Collection associated with or not associated with checkout
Product Tag Product Tag associated with or not associated with checkout
Product Type Product Type associated with or not associated with checkout
Product Price Product price equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Product Variant Product Variant associated with or not associated with checkout
Total Price Total price of the checkout equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Shipping Address Country Country associated with the checkout shipping address
Shipping Address State/Province State/Province associated with the checkout shipping address
Shipping Address City City associated with the checkout shipping address
Shipping Address Zip Zip associated with the checkout shipping address
Source Name Checkout source is or is not Web, POS, iPhone, Android, or API
Subtotal Price Checkout subtotal equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value


Customer Data

Filter Notes
Average Order Value Customer's average order value
Accepts Marketing Customer does or does not accept email marketing
Lifetime Value Customer's lifetime value
Purchased Customer has or has not purchased since specified date or range
Total Orders Placed The number of orders the customer has placed in your BigCommerce store
Country Country associated with the customer record in your BigCommerce store
State State associated with the customer record in your BigCommerce store
City City associated with the customer record in your BigCommerce store
Customer Since Customer record has existed in your BigCommerce store since the specified date or range

Checkout Data

Filter Notes
Exists Checkout exists in your BigCommerce store
Does Not Exist Checkout does not in your BigCommerce store's database
Complete Checkout is or is not complete
Total Price Checkout total equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Product Category Product Category associated with or not associated with checkout
Product Price Checkout's product price equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Discount Code Checkout used or did not use specified discount code
Date Created Checkout was created on or before specified date or range
Product Checkout contains or does not contain specified product(s)
Billing Address Country Country of the checkout's billing address
Billing Address City
City of the checkout's billing address
Billing Address State/Province State/Province of the checkout's billing address
Billing Address Zip Zip of the checkout's billing address
Shipping Address Country Country of the checkout's shipping address
Shipping Address City City of the checkout's shipping address
Shipping Address State/Province State/Province of the checkout's shipping address
Shipping Address Zip Zip of the checkout's shipping address

Order Data

⚠️ When using relative date filters (in the last X days/months/years), order data is based on the Contact's most recent purchase only

Order data can be filtered by one of the following order statuses:

  • Any
  • Fulfilled
  • Partially Fulfilled
  • Unfulfilled
  • Returned/Restocked
Filter Notes
Exists Order exists in your BigCommerce store's database
Does Not Exist Order does not exist in your BigCommerce store's database
Total Price Total price of the order equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Product Category Product category associated with or not associated with order
Product Price Product price equals, is greater than, or is lesser than the specified value
Discount Code Order used or did not use specified discount code
Order Date Date order was placed
Product Product associated with or not associated with order
Order source is or is not Web, POS, iPhone, Android, or API
Updated Date Order was or was not updated on the specified date or range
Billing Address Country Country of the checkout's billing address
Billing Address City
City of the checkout's billing address
Billing Address State/Province State/Province of the checkout's billing address
Billing Address Zip Zip of the checkout's billing address
Shipping Address Country Country of the checkout's shipping address
Shipping Address City City of the checkout's shipping address
Shipping Address State/Province State/Province of the checkout's shipping address
Shipping Address Zip Zip of the checkout's shipping address

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