How to integrate Gorgias and Sendlane


You can manage responses to SMS messages sent from Sendlane in Gorgias! Read on to learn how to install and configure Sendlane's Gorgias integration.

In this guide

🚦Before getting started

You must have an active Gorgias account to integrate Gorgias and Sendlane

πŸ™‹ When are tickets created in Gorgias?

Tickets are created in Gorgias when the following conditions are met:

  1. A subscribed contact sends an SMS message to your Sendlane phone number
  2. The SMS message does not contain:
    1. Opt-in keywords
    2. Opt-out or fuzzy opt-out keywords  ( Stop!Stopp, etc.)
    3. Functional keywords (HELP, INFO)

πŸ™‹ What happens when my Sendlane phone number receives an SMS message that doesn't create a Gorgias ticket?

Message contains Outcome
Opt-in keywords No ticket is created in Gorgias, but the message is visible in the reply center
Opt-out or fuzzy opt-out keywords If a ticket doesn't already exist for the contact in Gorgias, one will be created. The opt-out keyword will appear in the ticket thread in Gorgias, but the autoresponse from Sendlane will only be visible in the reply center.
Functional keywords ( HELPINFO)
If a ticket doesn't already exist for the contact in Gorgias, one will be created. The functional keyword will appear in Gorgias, but the autoresponse from Sendlane will only be visible in the reply center.

πŸ™‹ How will integrating with Gorgias affect my SMS credits?

Inbound messages do not cost credits, but outbound messages do. Outbound messages from Gorgias cost the same in credits as SMS messages sent from Sendlane.

Install the Gorgias integration

To install the Gorgias integration:

  1. Login to Gorgias
  2. Open a new tab
  3. Login to Sendlane
  4. Click the Account icon
  5. Click Integrations
  6. Click the Gorgias card
  7. Click Configure
  8. Click +Setup Integration to be redirected to the Gorgias authorization page
  9. Click Authorize Unapproved App to grant Sendlane access to your Gorgias account.

Watch the video below to see the integration process:

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Respond to SMS messages in Gorgias

SMS replies routed to Gorgias will appear like an email in your Gorgias inbox:

To respond to your customer, type your response in the message field and click Send as usual.

Even though it looks like an email, you're sending an SMS, which means using emojis will increase the number of credits used to send your reply.

Images and files are not supported in the Gorgias integration. Images sent by your customer will not show up in Gorgias or the Sendlane reply center, and there will be no indication in either that the customer attempted to send an image. To send an image to your customer via Gorgias, upload the image to a photo hosting service that provides a URL for the image.

Don't use hyperlinks when replying to Gorgias tickets; they appear in brackets to contacts which unnecessarily uses up credits. This hyperlink would appear in Gorgias, and to the contact, as This hyperlink []

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Uninstall the Gorgias integration

To uninstall your Gorgias integration:

  1. Log into Sendlane
  2. Click the Account icon
  3. Click Integrations
  4. Click the Gorgias card
  5. In the upper right corner, click Remove Integration

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