How to configure an automation trigger


Automation triggers require you to configure settings that determine how they function. Read on to learn how to add a trigger to your automation and configure its settings.

For information on individual triggers, see Automation triggers.

In this guide

Add a trigger to an automation

To set the trigger for an automation:

  1. Create or open an automation
  2. Click + Add trigger to access the automation triggers slideout menu
  3. Select the trigger 
  4. Configure the trigger's limit and additional settings, if applicable
  5. Click Done

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Automation trigger limits

All automation triggers provide the following Limit Per Contact options to exclude contacts from being sent through the automation:

  • No Limit - Don't exclude anyone
  • Do not trigger when already in automation - Contacts will not be sent through the automation if they trigger the automation while already in the flow
  • Once Per Day - Contacts will not be sent through the automation again if they trigger the automation more than once on the same day
  • One Time Only - Contacts will not be sent through the automation again after triggering the automation one time
  • Not in the last - Contacts will not be sent through the automation again if they've triggered it in the last period of time you specify

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