Understanding Sendlane Forms statuses


Sendlane Forms can be edited at any time. Read on to learn about form statuses and how to manage unpublished changes.

In this guide

Form statuses

  • Live - if the form’s code is installed on your website and the form is set to Live, the form is visible on your website and can collect data from website visitors
  • Scheduled - if the form’s code is installed on your website and it is within the scheduled window, the form is visible on your website and can collect data from website visitors
  • Draft - if the form’s code is installed on your website and the form is saved as a Draft, the form is NOT visible on your website and CANNOT collect data from website visitors

Publishing pending changes

You’ll see a note on the Forms page that says “Unpublished changes” when there has been a change made to a form that is set to Live or scheduled to be currently Live. This note means that the changes made to the form are not visible where the form is displayed.

To publish pending changes:

  1. Open your form
  2. Click Design
  3. Click Summary
  4. Click Publish Pending Changes

🚨 It is not possible to set a separate schedule for changes to a form

Only a form's publication can be scheduled. Designs, opt-in settings, and targeting settings cannot be scheduled.

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