How to Upload and Manage Unique Coupon Collections

Sendlane's new coupon collection tool allows you to upload and insert unique coupon codes into Campaign or Automation emails. Create and upload as many coupon collections as your marketing strategy calls for in three easy steps!


 Generate Coupon Codes

Use the tool of your choice to generate unique coupon codes and save your file as a .csv (maximum size 100 MB). We recommend generating enough codes for all of the Contacts who will receive the Campaign or Automation message (for example, 50k coupon codes is recommended for a high volume Automation)

We recommend the following coupon-generation tools:


 Format Coupon Collection File

Coupon collection .CSV files should:

  1. Be 100 MB or smaller (this generally translates to around 50,000 codes as long as the file has no other columns)
  2. Contain a single column with a header that does not contain spaces (couponcode will import, coupon code will not)
  3. Contain a unique coupon code in every row

Use the Sendlane Coupon Code Upload Template for easy processing!


 Upload Coupon Collection to Sendlane

To upload your coupon code .csv file:
  1. Click the Account icon
  2. Click Unique Coupons 
  3. Click Import Coupons 
  4. Set a name for your coupon collection
  5. Select or drag the file into the uploader.
  6. Choose a refill notification threshold to be notified via email when the supply of uploaded coupons reaches to the specified percentage of codes remaining
  7. Click Upload to save your coupon codes

Replenish Existing Coupon Codes

Add more unique codes to an existing coupon collection at any time, even before all codes have been used.

🚨 If coupons run out without being replenished, emails are stopped

To restart a Campaign:

  1. Replenish the coupon collection
  2. Click the restart icon next to the Campaign on the Campaigns page

To restart an Automation email:

  1. Replenish the coupon collection
  2. Click the activate button on the email node of any email using coupons

To add more unique codes to a coupon collection:

  1. Click the View icon next to the coupon collection
  2. Click Add Coupons 
  3. Select or drag in your new .CSV file
  4. Click Upload

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