Sending email campaigns while on list review


Sendlane is a permission-based platform. Our ultimate goal is to help you develop a strong email marketing strategy that allows you to send targeted content to people who actively want to receive it. List review helps ensure that your content goes to contacts who want to receive it. Read on to learn about list review and campaign manual approval!

What is list review?

When you import a list, the Sendlane Compliance team reviews it to determine the engagement of the included contacts and confirm that they are actively engaged with your content. This process is called list review and takes place from 9AM to 5PM PST, Monday through Friday. Your list will be reviewed in the order it was received, generally within 24 hours.

What is campaign manual approval?

Once our Compliance team approves an imported list, you can send one email to that new set of contacts. The first email you send will be released slowly to a small segment of your new audience to monitor their engagement.

On the campaigns page, you'll see a red flag icon that indicates list review :

As long as the campaign meets the necessary engagement standards, that specific audience will be fully ready to receive your messages going forward!

⚠️The first 3-5 campaign sends to a new audience must be manually approved by Sendlane's compliance team

Your list review status will be removed depending on your campaigns' engagement metrics (open rate and click rate). Contact your Customer Success Manager or reply to the email you receive from our Compliance team for more information.


Why can't I send or schedule campaigns?

Any pending emails (Draft, Sending, or Stopped) cannot include an audience under list review. 

Why does it look like my campaign is stuck?

The list review process may take 24 hours or more to complete, depending on the size of your audience and their level of engagement with your first email.

Additional Sendlane Resources

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