How to Integrate Convertful and Sendlane

Convertful is a conversion optimization platform that allows users to create powerful and beautiful sign-up forms. Users can configure these forms with their own display and targeting rules, resulting in increased high-quality traffic and greatly improved conversion rates. 

With Convertful and Sendlane, you can collect lead information directly from Convertful forms (such as Name and Email) and add them to your Lists within Sendlane. You can also create custom fields to add for further segmentation in Sendlane. Additionally, you will be able to add Tags to the collected contacts.

Before Getting Started

Prior to connecting with Sendlane, you'll need an active Convertful account.

Please also have your Sendlane API Key, Hash Key and Subdomain ready. These can be found in your Sendlane account under AccountAPI.

Last (but not least) be sure you have created a list inside of your Sendlane account, so Convertful knows where to place your new leads and contacts!

Please Note: To add tags via API, you'll need to make sure that your Sendlane account is set up with single-opt in access (contact our 24/7 support team to set this up!)

Connecting Convertful and Sendlane

  1. From the homepage of your Convertful account, choose the site you wish to integrate Sendlane with.
  2. Select Integrations in the top menu bar, then click Add Integration.
  3. Select Sendlane 
  4. Fill out your Sendlane API key, Hash key and subdomain, then click Connect
  5. Select which Sendlane list you would like contacts to be added to. You can add tags as well for these new contacts.
  6. Click Save Changes to finalize all of your edits

You’re all done! 

Now, when customers opt-in through a Convertful form, their information will be automatically sent to the Sendlane list you’ve selected!


This integration is native to Convertful, so we are only able to provide limited troubleshooting support. However, if you need help, the Convertful team is just a few clicks away! 

Additional Convertful Resources

Sign up for Convertful | Convertful Integration Instructions

Additional Sendlane Resources


Convertful → My sites → Select Site → Integrations → Add Integration → Select Sendlane → API Key, Hash Key, Sendlane Subdomain → Select List to sync to/ Tags to add → Save Changes

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