How to set and use branding colors


You can specify up to nine colors to be displayed prominently anywhere color pickers appear in Sendlane, including the email builder, form builder, and reviews. Read on to learn how to set brand colors and fonts!

⚠️ Brand colors are set for the entire account

If you have multiple stores under one Sendlane account, you will set brand colors for all brands on your Account > Branding page.

In this guide

Set preferred colors

To set preferred colors:

  1. Click the Account icon
  2. Click Branding
  3. Click + Create Palette
  4. Click the circle icon to select a preferred color
  5. Click the dots icon and drag the colors to rearrange them
  6. Click Add to add a new color
  7. Click Save to save your preferred colors

Remove a color or color palette

You can remove one color from your color palette or delete your entire color palette and start over.

To remove a color from your color palette:

  1. In the color palette, click the edit icon
  2. Next to the color you want to delete, click the trash can icon
  3. Click Delete
  4. Click Save

To delete your entire color palette:

  1. In the color palette, click the trash can icon
  2. Click Delete

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