How to import Yotpo reviews


If you’re migrating to Sendlane Reviews from Yotpo, you can bring your hard earned reviews with you! Read on to learn how to import your Yotpo reviews to Sendlane.

In This Guide

1. Export reviews from Yotpo

Follow these instructions for exporting your product reviews from Yotpo. When your file is ready for download, save it somewhere easily accessible, like your desktop, and make sure it is saved as a .CSV file. Do not edit the file in any way.

2. Ensure your reviews file from Yotpo is formatted correctly

Yotpo sometimes provides different header columns based on the version of the app being used. If header columns do not exactly match Sendlane Reviews’ import tool, the import will fail.

Open your Yotpo file using the spreadsheet software of your choice and compare your column headers to the table below.

Accepted Yotpo Headers ✅ Yotpo Header Variations ⚠️
Review ID id
Review Status published
Review Title review_title
Review Content review_content
Review Score review_score
Review Creation Date date
Product ID product_id
Product Title product_title
Reviewer Display Name display_name
Reviewer Email email
Comment Content comment_content
Comment Public comment_public
Comment Date comment_created_at
Published Image URLs published_image_url

The headers on my Yotpo export match the accepted Yotpo headers!

If your headers exactly match the headers in the Accepted Yotpo Headers column of the table above, awesome! You’re almost ready to proceed with importing your reviews file. Save your file as .CSV, then proceed with uploading your file.

The headers on my Yotpo export DO NOT match the accepted Yotpo headers!

No worries! You’ll need to replace your export’s headers and add an Order ID column before proceeding:

  1. Replace any headers that do not exactly match the Accepted Yotpo Headers column in the table above
  2. Add a header labeled Order ID and leave the column blank
  3. Save your file as .CSV

Once you’ve completed the steps above, proceed with uploading your file.

3. Import reviews file to Sendlane

To import your review file:

  1. Click the Reviews icon
  2. Click Content 
  3. Click Import & Export
  4. Click Import Reviews
  5. Select Okendo from the Product Review Source dropdown
  6. Drag and drop your .CSV file or click to browse for your file
  7. Check the checkbox confirming that your reviews are genuine
  8. Click Import
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