How to import reviews from


If you’re migrating to Sendlane Reviews from, you can bring your hard earned reviews with you! Read on to learn how to import your reviews to Sendlane.

In This Guide

1. Export reviews from advises customers to email to request a full export of all reviews.

⚠️ You must explicitly request that your export file include product IDs and photo file names

Customers sometimes receive export files without product ID or customer review photo link columns, or those columns may be included with a potential litany of issues.

When you email, include a note that your export file must contain columns for product IDs and photos, and the photos column should only include customer review photos, not product images.

When your file is ready for download, save it somewhere easily accessible, like your desktop, and make sure it is saved as a .CSV file.

2. Format reviews file

Exports from vary in their structure and content. Review your export file for the following potential issues that need to be fixed before proceeding with importing:

Incorrect or missing column headers

Open your export and this template. If you import a file with column headers that the Sendlane Reviews import tool doesn't recognize, or column headers that the Sendlane Reviews import tool expects to find are not there, your file will not import.

Make sure that the column headers in your export exactly match the headers in the template. If you see any variations, such as createdat instead of created_at, copy the column header from the template file and paste it in your export's equivalent column header. The column headers highlighted in green in the template are columns with multiple known export variations.

If you see any column headers in the template that are missing from your export file, add them to your export file by copying the column header from the template and pasting it into the column header to the right of your file's last column header. photoFilenames is a common missing header.

Incorrect photo column file structure

The photoFilenames column should contain the photo's file name (a long string containing letters and numbers) and end in .jpg, like this: 66389_8374587636_3ffbdgs876234_8hs7_72389.jpg. If you see any other file structure you will need to edit each row that deviates from the standard photo file naming convention.

Review the following table for what to do for each photo file structure:

photoFilenames example entries Next steps
66389_8374587636_3ffbdgs876234_8hs7_72389.jpg Nothing, this is the standard file structure containing only the file's name ( 66389_8374587636_3ffbdgs876234_8hs7_72389) and extension (.jpg) 🥳 Photo file URLs beginning with are sometimes product photos, not photos submitted by reviewers. To find all instances of product photos in your export file, filter the photoFilenames column and enter https. Click on each image link to determine whether it is a product photo or a customer review photo.

If you find rows with product images but you believe the review should have a customer submitted photo, you can ask to re-do your export and note the rows containing product photos instead of customer photos. Delete any instances of product photos that is not able to replace with customer review photos. If doesn't provide the customer review photo URLs and you don't delete links to product photos, product photos will appear attached to your reviews.

If you find rows with clickable links that lead to customer review photos you'll need to remove part of the URL so that you're left with the file name and .jpg extension, as shown in the column to the left. Using the example in the column to the left, you would open your spreadsheet software's search and replace function, enter, and select replace all, which would return 17761_75874444675.jpg for our example. Because the photo URL column in exports varies, you will need to copy the portion of a URL in your export file ending with the leftmost / for your search and replace.
NULL If you believe the review should have a customer submitted photo, you can ask to re-do your export and note the rows containing NULL instead of customer photos.

You can also delete any instances of NULL and proceed with reviewing your file and uploading to Sendlane.
126999_6566237012064_4d5967_38b8_49e6_aaf1_5e4fcb823aef.jpg, Customers sometimes include a photo and video in their review. Sendlane Reviews does not support video files yet, so any URL containing a .mp4 extension must be removed. If you see a row with an example like the one in the column to the left, delete the entire URL containing the .mp4 extension so that you are left with only the photo: 126999_6566237012064_4d5967_38b8_49e6_aaf1_5e4fcb823aef.jpg

Review replies with a status of FALSE

The export includes a column called verified which indicates the status of a reply; TRUE means published and FALSE means unpublished or deleted. The Sendlane Reviews import tool does not look at this column. All replies are imported and publicly available.

If you want to prevent unpublished or deleted review replies from being published in your Sendlane Reviews widget, filter the verified column for FALSE and delete the reply in the reply column.

Incorrect review publication column values exports can contain multiple variations of publication statuses in the published column indicating whether a review should appear on your website or not. Variations include, but are not limited to, TRUE /FALSE, Published/Unpublished, published/unpublished, 1/2, and 0/1. The Sendlane Reviews import tool accepts TRUE /FALSE (case insensitive) or published/unpublished (case sensitive.) If your published column contains variations, use your spreadsheet tool's find and replace functionality to replace the variation with its accepted value.

For example, if your published column contains Published/Unpublished, you can search for the word Published and replace it with TRUE, then search for the word Unpublished and replace it with FALSE.

3. Import reviews file to Sendlane

To import your review file:

  1. Click the Reviews icon
  2. Click Content 
  3. Click Import & Export
  4. Click Import Reviews
  5. Select from the Product Review Source dropdown
  6. Drag and drop your .CSV file or click to browse for your file
  7. Check the checkbox confirming that your reviews are genuine
  8. Click Import

If some reviews were not imported due to an error, the Results column will show how many reviews were not imported. Click the download icon in the Actions column to download a file of reviews that were not imported. See Troubleshooting Sendlane Reviews for next steps.


My review file contains errors!

If some reviews were not imported due to an error, the Results column will show how many reviews were not imported. Click the download icon in the Actions column to download a file of reviews that were not imported. See Troubleshooting Sendlane Reviews for next steps.

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