How to Re-Sync an Integration

When integration modules are updated or you seem to be missing data, you may need to re-sync an integration. Follow the instructions below to safely re-sync your integrations in 3 easy steps!


 Deactivate Automations

If you have any Automations that use your integration's triggers you'll want to deactivate each Automation before re-syncing your integration.

If Automations using integration triggers are active while an integration is re-synced, the Automation will trigger, which could cause emails or SMS messages to send when you don't want them to!

To deactivate an Automation, click on the Automations icon in your sidebar then click the Deactivate icon > Deactivate


 Re-Sync Your Integration

To re-sync your integration, click the Integrations icon > Select an integration to re-sync > Configure

On the integration's status page, click the three-dot menu next to your integration name > Resync > Resync

It may take up to an hour to re-sync your integration if your account contains a large amount of data. If your re-sync takes more than an hour, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 product support team for assistance!


 Reactivate Automations

Once your integration has finished re-syncing, reactivate the Automations you deactivated in Step 1 by clicking the play icon > Reactivate

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