How to cancel your Sendlane account
Before canceling your email subscription, consider putting your account on hold or changing your plan to fit your needs.
Our On Hold plan is a great option if you want to take a break from the email marketing world. We will keep all of your hard work and data safe and ready for you when you decide to return!
If you choose to put your account on hold, your saved billing information will be used to charge your account a flat fee of $19 per month until you reactivate your account. This option saves all of your Contacts, Lists, Campaigns, and Automations, and all associated data for both email and SMS! It is not possible to put just email or just SMS on hold.
Important Notes
- Once your account is canceled, Sendlane is not able to recover any lost data, including Lists, Contacts, Campaigns, or Automations.
- Canceling your email plan will automatically cancel your SMS plan.
To cancel your email plan, click the Account icon in the left-hand menu bar > Billing > Cancel subscription
A popup window will appear with options to downgrade your plan or to continue with cancellation
Click Downgrade Plan to downgrade your plan to a lower tier.
Click Continue with cancellation to put your plan on hold or cancel your plan.
Click Put my account on hold to place your account on hold and have your billing method charged $19 per month until you reactivate.
Click No thanks I would like to cancel to immediately cancel your account.
We are sorry to see you go! If you have any trouble with the cancellation process, please reach out to support and we’ll help get your account adjusted.