How to update your payment method

Update or replace the payment method for your Sendlane account at any time by following the instructions below. Sendlane accepts all major credit cards, including VISA, Mastercard, and American Express.

⚠️ Sendlane does not accept PayPal or pre-paid debit cards 

To avoid interruption in service, make sure a debit or credit card is on file in your account's billing details!

To add or edit your payment method:

  1. Click the Account icon
  2. Click Billing 
  3. Click Payment Method 
  4. Click Change payment details

Enter your debit or credit card's information and billing address in the Billing Information window, then click Save to confirm your new billing details


I'm seeing an "invalid payment method" error!

Double check your card number, card expiration date, card CVC code, name, address, and zip code.

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