How to Add Upsells (or Downsells) to Your Shopify Store With OneClickUpsell

Using OneClickUpsell to add post-purchase upsells to your Shopify store is an easy way to increase revenue.

Once your OneClickUpsell integration is setup, you're able to create an upsell funnel for your Shopify Store!

In this article you'll learn how to create your:

Before Getting Started

Before you're able to create upsell funnels for your customers, you'll need to have your OneClickUpsell account active within your Shopify store.

You'll also need your Shopify Store Integration and your OneClickUpsell Integration setup with your Sendlane account.

Create your Funnel

To create an upsell for your Shopify products, you will need to create a funnel in OneClickUpsell.

  1. Login to your MyShopify Admin
  2. Click Apps and select Zipify OneClickUpsell from your Installed apps

  3. Click the Upsell Funnels Icon and click the green Add New Funnel button on the right side
  4. After naming your funnel and choosing your tag, click the green Save button

  5. Under OneClickUpsell Checkout click Choose Product, choose to create a new offer page and click Continue
  6. Select the product you want to upsell and click Add
  7. Repeat step 6 for any pre-purchase upsells, post-purchase upsells or downsells
  8. Click the Three Dots (...) to the right of any product to edit further details of any upsell including editing the offer page and using split testing
  9. Once you are happy with your funnel click Publish Funnel in the top-right

And that's it! 

Here's what it will look like when a customer clicks checkout with one of your upsell funnel products:

Creating a "Thank you" Automation

After a customer makes a purchase, it's a great idea to follow up and thank them for their business!

You'll want to configure each one differently if you'd like to utilize both triggers within your Sendlane account.

  1. In Sendlane, click start by creating a new Automation and choose Start from scratch
  2. Click on Click here to add trigger and select OneClickUpsell from the Your integrations dropdown

  3. Select Offer Completed and choose your store

    Please Note

    The OneClickUpsell Offer Completed trigger functions the same way as the Shopify Order Completed trigger, so be sure you don't have duplicate "Thank you" automations running at the same time!

  4. Click the "+" to add a new Send Message action
  5. Design your email and don't forget to click Publish on the email message once you're done
  6. Finish building out your automation (adding any other actions or communications you'd like) and Activate your funnel

Now, if a customer purchases one of your upsell items, they'll receive a thank you email from you!

Additional Resources


Creating Your Funnel: Login to Shopify → Click Apps → Select Zipify OneClickUpsell → Click Upsells Funnel Icon → Add New Funnel → Name Funnel & Save → Choose Product, Create New Offer Page & Click Continue (Repeat For More Products) → Add Products → Publish Funnel

Creating A Thank You Automation: Create New Automation → Add Trigger → Select OneClickUpsell → Select Offer Completed & Choose Store → Click '+' to Create Email → Design Your Email →  Publish → Finish Building Automation → Activate Your Funnel

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